Palmira () Duration: 1H15M Description: Palmira looks after her drunkard father and survives by running errands for her neighbours. Her dream is to have a bicycle and one day she takes one that has been abandoned by its owner, starting trouble… Trailer ↗ Spain Family
Category: Spain
Atapuerca: El misterio de la evolución humana ()
Kapax del Amazonas ()
Memorias del general Escobar ()
Delirium ()
Después de… segunda parte: Atado y bien atado ()
Después de… primera parte: No se os puede dejar solos ()
Zama ()
Gritos… a ritmo fuerte ()
Navarra, las cuatro estaciones ()
La banda del Pecas ()
Cambio de sentido ()
Cambio de sentido () Duration: 1H19M Description: 800 million units circulate around the globe. It is the largest contributor to air pollution worldwide and accounts for 8,300 deaths every day. And every night it sleeps in your garage… Trailer ↗ Mexico Spain Belgium Germany United States Documentary News
The New Catalan Song ()
El crimen de Peñasca ()
Ich bin Enric Marco ()
Knockoutkuba ()
Celuloide Colectivo ()
Celuloide Colectivo () Duration: Description: En julio de 1936 tiene lugar el levantamiento militar contra la República que inicia la terrible Guerra Civil Española. Las calles son tomadas por la clase trabajadora, para los anarquistas empieza la revolución social. Los espect….. Trailer ↗ Spain Documentary
Flysch, el susurro de las rocas ()
Flysch, el susurro de las rocas () Duration: 1H11M Description: Geology is the science that studies planet Earth, and geologists are the detectives looking for leads that allow the reading and interpretation of the pages of its history. In the cliffs of Zumaia we find the pages of this great b….. Trailer ↗ Spain Iceland […]